A wide range of products for colouring, sanitizing and personalizing the environments of your home, your offices and your cities.
A wide range of products for colouring, sanitizing and personalizing the environments of your home, your offices and your cities.
Paints, colours, varnishes and products to sanitize and personalize every environment. Di Maria’s Paint Factory products are the fruit of continuous and constant research in order to offer cutting-edge and efficient solutions.
We give you product information concreteness and credibility thanks to the commercialization of “certified” products. For more information about our products, please contact our toll-free number.
Discover our stores in Italy to find Di Maria’s Paint Factory products: paints, colours, coatings and all of you need to complite and sanitize.
Giuseppe Di Maria S.p.A.
Via Enrico Mattei, 4
90124 Palermo
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